Why this ancient hat is the 2024 Olympic mascot
The Phrygian cap may be over 3,000 years old, and has ties to figures throughout history, from mythical King Midas...
The Phrygian cap may be over 3,000 years old, and has ties to figures throughout history, from mythical King Midas...
First founded as an archery contest for 16 disabled veterans, the games now rival the Olympics as an athletic spectacle....
Recent years have seen a record-breaking number of attempts to ban books. Here's how book banning emerged—and how it turned...
The mean, green witch and the Evil Queen have thrilled generations of moviegoers. But they also reflect cultural fears about...
Historians characterize the Catilinarian conspiracy as the beginning of the end of the Roman Empire—which director Francis Ford Coppola compares...
Underwires and flame resistance are only the latest innovations in a millennia-long struggle to keep the girls in line. Roman...
A June 1969 police raid of the New York bar erupted into a days-long rebellion that lit a fire under...
18% of online sports bettors lose money needed for living expenses. According to a new study from researchers from UCLA...
This day of atonement marks the end of the Jewish high holy days—and offers a chance for people to change...
The U.S. celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month each fall. Here’s how the holiday came about—and the stories behind its most iconic...
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